Saturday, May 17, 2014

Why the facebook Is No Longer for Me

Over the course of the last decade, various forms of social media have made a splash in the internet community. I remember registering for Friendster, and building a group of about two friends. MySpace was the first really positive experience I had with social media, allowing me to build a group of 30 or more friends, including reuniting with friends I hadn't seen in years. Finally, of course, as mentioned in my first major post, I came to facebook. facebook allowed me to build a group of friends that topped out somewhere around 200. More recently, I have pared that number down closer to 100. Again, it had allowed me to reconnect, or remain connected, with friends from college, high school, and even grade school. So, facebook has served a nice purpose for me for a number of years. Unfortunately, facebook has morphed into something else now; something in which I no longer see any utility.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Texting: Get the Message

As the internet continues to change the way we live our lives, we are constantly introduced to new means of communication. I continue to be surprised by the trepidation of my generation to immerse themselves in the virtual world. Almost everyone has gone as far as facebook, but it seems like that's where it ends. Personally, I always attempt to recruit my peers to get involved in other means of social connection. Despite my best efforts, I am still a failure in this endeavor.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

An Introduction to Grizzly Details

I have kicked around the idea of starting a blog for quite some time. I have not done so to this point because I am not sure I have anything to say that anyone would care to read. We will see where this goes, if anywhere. I wanted to start with an introductory post. Who am I? Why am I here? What is the point of all this? This is my attempt to answer some of those questions, and perhaps others.

Thursday, September 19, 2013 The Social Platform You Never Knew You Wanted


Social media and social networking have become a huge part of our lives. Most of us use it in some format on a daily basis. The majority of my generation has come of age right alongside the internet. Over time, we continue to find more and more interesting and useful ways to use the tools we have. Let’s take a quick look at the progression of the various services we have used over the years.